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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


How to engage in observing and recording atmospheric optics. Part 1. Formerly called meteorological optics, it is simply the study of the multitudinous visual effects our atmosphere creates on light received from the sun.
ASTRONOMY Feb 1982 (v.10#2) pg. 50

How to engage in observing and recording atmospheric optics. Part 2.
ASTRONOMY Mar 1982 (v.10#3) pg. 54

Clouds of the twilight. How to observe and photograph noctilucent clouds.
ASTRONOMY Jul 1987 (v.15#7) pg. 42

Introduction to weather observing for amateur astronomers. Tips on determining the chances of sky being cloudy or clear.
ASTRONOMY Dec 1989 (v.17#12) pg. 74

Staying weather wise. Tips for boaters on where and how to learn the basics of meteorology and simple forecasting.
BOATING WORLD #98 Mar 1994 pg. 80

Reading the weather. Learning to understand changing signs is important to the boater.
BOATING WORLD Feb 2002 (v.23#2) pg. 30

How to read weather maps.
BOYS' LIFE Oct 1964 (v.54#10) pg. 52

How to "capture" a rising hot-air thermal with a homemade parachute or large soap bubble.
BOYS' LIFE Dec 1978 (v.68#12) pg. 11

Wind, clouds, and other nature signs to look for that tell of coming changes in weather.
BOYS' LIFE May 1979 (v.69#5) pg. 18

Learn to forecast weather by observing signs in nature. Some tips.
BOYS' LIFE Jun 1982 (v.72#6) pg. 49

How to "read" the weather. Some natural signs to look for.
BOYS' LIFE Jun 1985 (v.75#6) pg. 64

Blizzards. What causes them and survival tips.
BOYS' LIFE Mar 1988 (v.78#3) pg. 42

Weather watch. Learning the lexicon of the sky. Tips on anticipating the weather by reading clouds and other natural signs.
HARROWSMITH #110 Jul-Aug 1993 (v.18#2) pg. 61

An eye to the sky. How to predict what the weather will be in your vicinity for the next couple of days by watching the clouds and other signs in nature.
HORTICULTURE Mar 1998 (v.95#3) pg. 58

How you can read the clouds. Photos illustrate typical cloud patterns and what they mean.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #601 Jun 1978 (v.74) pg. 48

Weather and thermals for modelers. Basic information on reading and interpreting weather information and determining its impact on model aircraft flying.
MODEL AVIATION Oct 1991 (v.17#10) pg. 89

Down home weather casting. Some bits and pieces of scientific information, weather lore, and personal observation to help you know what to look for and what conclusions to draw.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #10 Jul 1971 pg. 62

Be a backyard weather sleuth. Tips on prediciting weather based on observing clouds, plants and animals.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #71 Sep-Oct 1981 pg. 126

A look at phenology, the study of when plants reach certain stages in response to the weather. Tips on how to check phenological events on indicator plants on your property and how to use the findings as a guide for when to plant, etc.
ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1977 (v.24#4) pg. 127

Learn to predict your own weather. How to read cloud patterns, wind direction, atmospheric pressure and temperature trends.
ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1993 (v.40#9) pg. 24

Make your own weather predictions. Weather chart can help predict tomorrow's weather. Description of weather instruments you can buy also included along with tips on their use.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1983 (v.159#3) pg. 96

Be your own weatherman. How to predict the weather for your local area for a 12 to 15 hour period. Uses the signs given by clouds, trees, animals, and simple instruments.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Spring 1978 pg. 94

How to become a weather observer. Tips on selecting the essential components for a home weather station. Participating in the AAWO (Association of American Weather Observers).
SCIENCE PROBE! Nov 1990 (v.1#1) pg. 47

How to detect temperature inversions and meteor streaks using an ordinary FM radio or television receiver. Detection relies on atmospheric ionization.
SCIENCE PROBE! Apr 1991 (v.1#2) pg. 20

Microclimates. How to find and study small climate zones and the mechanisms that produce them.
SCIENCE PROBE! Jan 1992 (v.2#1) pg. 20

Using simple statistical analysis to evaluate how well a local weather forecaster does in predicting precipitation.
SCIENCE PROBE! Jul 1992 (v.2#3) pg. 98

Find and track thunderstorms using their radio waves.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN May 1963 (v.208#5) pg. 167

Make and probe vortexes in water and flame.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Oct 1963 (v.209#4) pg. 133

How to photograph air currents in color.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Feb 1964 (v.210#2) pg. 132

Experiments with wind. (1) How to construct a pendulum anemometer using a celluloid protractor, a spirit level and a table-tennis ball. (2) How to demonstrate the mechanism of violent whirlwinds using an electric fan, a vacuum cleaner and a shallow pan of water.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Oct 1971 (v.225#4) pg. 108

How to observe the structure of the atmosphere by studying plumes of smoke.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN May 1978 (v.238#5) pg. 162

The amateur scientist. Experiment to search for a pattern in the rate of rainfall in a storm. Includes circuitry for using a printing calculator to monitor a tipping-bucket rain gauge.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1985 (v.252#1) pg. 112